Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Home spa 1

Hi guys!

Polish joke says: God created world and he knew that is good. Then God created man and he knew it's good. Finally God created woman and said: you will be doing make up! Funny or not but this post it's not gonna be about Polish jokes. Most of woman do make up every day but not all of them remember about face and body care! You don't have to go to the beauty salon to care of you. Today I'm gonna show you how easy and cheap make your home beauty salon. 

1. Prepare warm bath.
2. Turn your favourite music.

3. Take a glass of wine
4. Light the candles.
5. Use some of my recipe for home made mask or scrub:

Body scrub

  Lips scrub

 Face mask

Treat yourself like a princess. You deserve it!

Let me know what you think about my ideas. 
Share if you like.
Follow me on Instagram.



  1. Loving your blog x - http://littleblueflowerbeauty.blogspot.co.uk/

  2. Love the lip scrub idea!!!


  3. Of course. I already follow you on bloglovin xxx
